How to Find an RSS Feed’s URL

 How to Find an RSS Feed’s URL

How to Find an RSS Feed’s URL

How to Find an RSS Feed’s URL

Following a website’s RSS feed gives you the opportunity to stay up-to-date on everything that website publishes. If you’re like most people and are overwhelmed and busy, this is a great way to make sure you don’t miss out on your favorite website’s content.

Whether that’s a section of a news website, a favorite blog, or something else, you can make sure you don’t miss out on fresh and new content that will interest you.

There are a variety of ways to search for and find an RSS Feed URL. And, once you have found the RSS feed, you can add one or several to an RSS feed reader to see the latest updates of your favorite website(s) in an easy to read application. We recommend this post by Zapier if you’re looking for free RSS Reader apps.

✨ Do you need a podcast RSS feed? If so, check out our post here on how to create one in under 5 minutes.   

If you are looking for your website’s RSS feed, then read on!

1. WordPress RSS Feeds

WordPress powers many websites, in fact, it powers about 30% of the entire internet, so if you’re trying to find the RSS feed of a WordPress website, all you need to do is add /feed/ to the end of the website’s URL.


It will take you to the RSS feed, as long as the website is powered by WordPress.

What if the website it isn’t powered by WordPress? You only wasted about 2 seconds, and can try another way.

2. The RSS Logo

The standard orange RSS logo pictured below is a dead giveaway. If you see this on a website, simply click on it, and it will take you to the website’s RSS feed. From there, you can get the RSS feed URL.

RSS Logo

3. Find the RSS Feed URL Through the Page Source

Looking at the HTML source of the website’s page will also give you the RSS feed’s URL.

Right click on the website’s page, and choose Page Source. In the new window that appears, use the “find” feature (Ctrl + F on a PC or Command + F on a Mac), and type in RSS. You’ll find the feed’s URL between the quotes after href=.

Being able to follow your favorite websites through an RSS feed reader will free up so much time. You’ll stop bouncing around from web page to web page, looking for all the pieces of the information you love, and instead have everything you want organized in one easy place.

Related Resources


·         How to add your podcast RSS feed to Google Podcasts.

·         How to add your podcast RSS feed to Apple Podcasts.

·         How to add your podcast RSS feed to Spotify.

·         How to add your podcast RSS feed to Stitcher.

·         How to add your podcast RSS feed to TuneIn.

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