Queen of the Screen: Helen Mirren’s Incredible Journey to Becoming Hollywood Royalty


Queen of the Screen: Helen Mirren’s Incredible Journey to Becoming Hollywood Royalty

Helen Mirren is one of the most well-respected and successful actresses in the world today. With an impressive resume across film, TV and theater, Mirren has become synonymous with high-quality character and dramatic acting.

But in her early years, she had to fend off a great deal of criticism and dismissal thanks to her looks—because she was regarded as too voluptuous to be taken seriously!

Let’s take a look at Mirren’s incredible rise to fame, and how she rose above some of the most infamous sexist comments in history, to become the internationally acclaimed dramatic actress she is today.

A Star is Born

Helen Mirren is one of the most well-respected and successful actresses in the world today. With an impressive resume across film, TV and theater, Mirren has become synonymous with high-quality character and dramatic acting.

But in her early years, she had to fend off a great deal of criticism and dismissal thanks to her looks—because she was regarded as too voluptuous to be taken seriously!

Let’s take a look at Mirren’s incredible rise to fame, and how she rose above some of the most infamous sexist comments in history, to become the internationally acclaimed dramatic actress she is today.

Mini Mirren

As Mirren grew up in London, she drew on her parents’ professions for her inspiration and creative outlet.

Her father initially was a viola player with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, before leaving to become a taxi driver and driving test examiner, and a Ministry of Transport civil servant. Her mother, Kathleen Rogers, came from a family of butchers—who in fact supplied meat to Queen Victoria!

Yet again, Mirren grew up with a royal influence that would come to define her career—in more ways than one.

All Change

It’s probably pretty surprising for you to learn that Helen Mirren was born to a Russian father and originally had such a Russian-sounding birth name. After all, she would one day grow up to become one of the quintessential British actresses, representing old-fashioned and royal grace and charm in so many of her classic movies and stage shows.

Well, that’s partly because when Mirren was 9 years old, her father decided to anglicize their surname—taking Mironov to the more English-sounding “Mirren”. And so Iliana Mironova became Helen Mirren—and the name of Britain’s future biggest star was born.

Big Dreams

Even from an early age, the young Mirren knew that she wanted to pursue a career in the arts. It was at the age of 13, watching a production of Hamlet on stage, that she decided she wanted to become an actress.

"I was blown away by all this over-the-top drama," she said to The Times. "We grew up without TV and never went to the cinema, so after Hamlet, all I wanted to do was get back into that world where all those fabulous things were possible."

But she had no idea just how fabulous—and famous—she would one day become.

Parental Pressure

Even though Mirren knew that a career as an actress was her true ambition, this wasn’t the path expected of her by her parents—who wanted her to pursue a more traditional professional path.

They sent her to a catholic school by the seasise, St. Bernard’s High School in Southend-on-Sea. While she was there, her English teacher noticed her incredible acting talent, and encouraged her to audition for the National Youth Theatre. Mirren auditioned and was accepted by the group—but her parents had other ideas.

Those Who Can’t

Even though Mirren knew she wanted to be an actress more than anything, her parents insisted that she followed a more traditional and stable career path.

Despite the fact that she had been accepted to the prestigious National Youth Theatre, they refused to let her join the troupe, encouraging her instead to head to further education.

And so Mirren enrolled into a teacher training course to keep her parents happy—but she knew where her real ambitions and destiny lay.

Treading the Boards

Despite her parents’ reticence at her entering the world of theater, Mirren could not stay away from the stage for long, and by the age of 20 she had secured the lead role in the stage show of Shakespeare’s Anthony and Cleopatra.

Her performance was so good that it led to her securing an agent and a place with the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Parts in productions such as The Revenger's Tragedy Troilus and Cressida and MacBeth followed, winning her great critical acclaim.

But they also won her a different kind of attention—one not entirely welcome…

Treading the Boards

Risque Reputation

Even though Mirren was taking on high-brow and critically acclaimed roles, becoming a reputable Shakespearean actress, many audiences and critics began taking notice of her looks as well as her talent.

Mirren was so beautiful and brought an innate sex appeal to each of her roles, that people began noticing her more for her appearance than for her acting skills!

Around this time she became known as “The Sex Queen of Stratford”, a title that would come to irritate and amuse her in equal measure.

Risque Reputation

Staying Spiritual

As Mirren’s fame and reputation continued to increase, she began to look for other sources of inspiration to keep herself grounded and at peace despite the craziness unfolding all around her.

During this time, she travelled the world and found meaning in a Mayan phrase “In La’kesh.” She liked it so much that she had it tattooed on her left hand!

“’In La’Kesh’ means ‘You are my other self. We are one. I am another yourself.’ In other words, ‘We’re all in this together,’” Mirren explains. “Remember that, so that you can make some sense out of and fix this crazy, crazy world.”

And things were only about to get crazier.

Staying Spiritual

Saucy Scenes

Even though Mirren was bemused by her increasing reputation as a sex symbol despite her undoubtable skill as a serious actress, she didn’t let this stop her taking on the roles that she wanted to do.

In 1980 she starred in the lavish historical movie Caligula, a stunning—and rather saucy—depiction of Ancient Rome. The movie was a bit of a flop, but continued to raise Mirren’s reputation—both in her talent and her beauty.

But the focus on the actress’s appearance was about to culminate in one particular interview that would become infamous in TV history.

Saucy Scenes

Shrugging Off Sexism

Helen Mirren saw no reason that her natural talent as an actress should be precluded by her appearing beautiful. But in one infamous interview in 1975, talk show Michael Parkinson quizzed her on whether she might be too sexy to be taken seriously.

Mirren hit headlines with her cool and composed approach, rubbishing the notion that sex appeal is in any way opposed to being talented or respectable.

"Because serious actresses can't have big bosoms, is that what you mean?" she challenged Parkinson over his sexist comments—to cheers from the crowd.

Shrugging Off Sexism

No Nonsense

As Parkinson continued to try and suggest that a woman could not be both talented and beautiful, the young star refused to take any of his nonsense.

"I think it might detract from the performance," Parkinson said of her beauty. "If you know what I mean."

"I can't say that would necessarily be true," Mirren replied coolly. "I mean, what a crummy performance if people are obsessed with the size of your bosom over anything else. I would hope that the performance and the play and the living relationship between all the people on the stage and all the people in the audience would overcome such … boring questions, really."

No Nonsense

Famous Fight

Mirren’s calm and dignified response to Michael Parkinson’s sexist comments have become the stuff of TV legend. Mirren herself revealed that though she is incredibly proud today of how she reacted, at the time she actually felt very uncomfortable.

"I have to say, I didn't realize how impressive I'd been," she said to Glamor magazine. "I was really, really good!" Later, she adds, "I didn't look nervous, weirdly, but my heart was pounding. I was terrified."

And in fact, it turned out that she had good reason to be nervous about standing up to him.

Famous Fight

Ahead of Her Time

Even though nowadays it is pretty obvious that Michael Parkinson’s interview questions were inappropriate and downright sexist, the truth was that back in the 70s, a lot of people were holding onto the same prejudices—and actually blaming Mirren for not responding properly!

"The response in general was, 'How could you be so argumentative and difficult?'” Mirren said, remembering the backlash she received for defending herself. “But I wasn't—I kept my good humor and my temper. I thought I actually handled it well."

Ahead of Her Time

Movie Star

Despite the controversy around her infamous interview with Parkinson, Mirren didn’t let this stop her from continuing to deliver increasingly praised and critically acclaimed movie roles.

In 1979 she received widespread praise for her role in the gangster movie The Long Good Friday, and in 1981 she starred in the equally successful Arthurian fantasy Excalibur.

But Mirren came away with more than just praise for her work on Excalibur—she also found love on the set of the iconic movie.

Movie Star

Shacking Up

While Mirren was working on the 1981 movie Excalibur, she not only honed her acting skills even more and built up her experience, but she also enriched her life with something of a more personal nature.

Because it was on the set of this movie that she met fellow actor Liam Neeson. The two quickly got together, and eventually moved in together.

“We didn’t (just) date,” Mirren revealed in an interview with Graham Norton. “We lived together for four years–we were a serious item for a while. Lucky me!”

Shacking Up

Award Winner

And it wasn’t just her love life that was looking brilliant and successful during this time. The early 1980s saw a huge soar in fame and critical acclaim for the talented actress—and in 1984 she starred in her first award winning role in the movie Cal.

Mirren’s performance won her the Cannes Film Festival prize for Best Actress, as well as a British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award.

But despite her soaring career, her romance behind the scenes was beginning to go sour.

Award Winner

Labor of Love

Even though Mirren was becoming increasingly successful and adding a host of prestigious awards to her cabinet, sadly her romance with Liam Neeson came to an end after living together for four years.

Though she must have been heartbroken by the split, Mirren embodied the spirit of the phrase “the show must go on”, and went on to star in the movie White Nights in 1985.

Little did she know that this movie would lead her to her own white knight—in more ways than one.

Labor of Love

New Man

While Mirren was filming the classic 1985 movie White Nights, it wasn’t just her acting ability and stunning beauty that was getting her noticed.

Though she was always well-known for getting on well with her co-stars, Mirren struck up a particularly strong bond with director Taylor Hackford—and before they knew it, one thing had led to the other, and the two were very much in love.

They soon became inseparable and rumors began to fly that wedding bells were soon on the horizon—but Mirren had a very different take on that idea.

New Man

Ignoring Expectations

As Mirren and Hackford were clearly very much in love, everyone began to wonder when they would finally make it official and announce they were tying the knot.

But the stunning star, always one to ignore expectations and live for her own desires, was incredibly open and frank about not having any desire to get married.

Though the two continued to live together and spend many happy years as a couple, fans began to accept that they would simply never marry.

Little did they know what the celeb power couple would announce many years later.

Ignoring Expectations

TV Totty

By this time, Helen Mirren was a bona fide mega star across all types of media—film, TV, and stage acting. But it was her next role that would truly come to define her career and cement her as one of the most respected actresses of her generation.

That role was the part of Detective Inspector Jane Tennison on British crime drama mystery series Prime Suspect. The show ran from 1992 to 1996—and won Mirren a whopping five BAFTA awards during that time.

TV Totty

Marriage Matters

Despite insisting for so many years that she was not interested in marriage, and was perfectly happy continuing to live with her partner without tying the knot, Mirren surprised fans around the world when she announced she had wed her long-term love, director Taylor Hackford on New Year’s Eve of 1997.

Over ten years since first getting together, the couple finally had decided to make it official. So just what had changed Mirren’s mind about getting married after all these years?

Marriage Matters

Making it Official

Mirren spoke out in her typical no-nonsense way about the reasons behind her finally deciding to get married.

"We got married in the end because we realized that we were going to be together forever," she said to AARP magazine. "We got married, ultimately, for legal reasons more than anything else. Estate planning and other complicated things like that. And our families, we sensed, wanted us to be married … I always said I have nothing against marriage. It just wasn't to my taste, like turnips. It took me a very long time to come around to acquiring the taste. I just had to meet the right turnip."

Making it Official

No Maternal Instinct Whatsoever

Having been resolute for so many years about not wanting to get married, Mirren surprised everyone when she and Hackford finally tied the knot. So, the next question on everyone’s lips was—were the couple about to welcome a child together?

"I'm just not interested,” she said to Contact Music. “I've no maternal instinct whatsoever. And I don't think I'm so unusual. I think an awful lot of women don't really want children but feel they ought to. They think there's something wrong with them if they don't want to, but it's not true."

No Maternal Instinct Whatsoever

Not for Me

Mirren was keen to stress that though she didn’t have any desire to have children, it wasn’t because she didn’t love or appreciate the joy of spending time with young people—it was simply that motherhood wasn’t for her.

"I'm so happy I don't have children,” she said. “But I do love children and I've got family, and Taylor has children that I'm involved with—and with great pleasure—but it's just not for me."

However, she did reveal that there was one movie moment that called her decision into question.

Not for Me

A Moment of Regret

Though she remained steadfast in her decision to have children, Mirren did open up about one moment where she regretted it.

“When I watched the movie, Parenthood, I sobbed for about 20 minutes,” she revealed to The Sunday Times. “It was about the whole story of being a parent and how it never stops, even when you're a grandparent. I realized I would never experience that, and for about 20 minutes, I sobbed for the loss of that and the fact that I never experienced it … Then I got over it and I was happy again.”

A Moment of Regret

Queen of the Screen

Despite the media fascination with her personal life, Mirren continued to focus on her career, winning continued praise and acclaim for roles in widely lauded movies such as 1996’s The Madness of King George and 2001’s Gosford Park.

Mirren received her second Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival, as well as nominations for both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award—but back in her home country, she was about to receive a royal recognition of the very highest order.

Queen of the Screen

Dame Diva

By 2003, Helen Mirren had won a string of prestigious acting awards and nominations. But a huge moment even for her came when she was recognized by the Queen of England for her contribution to the world of cinema—being named Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II.

“In England, it's a big deal,” said the newly minted Dame Helen Mirren. “I do feel it's a great honor. But I had to think about it quite seriously for a couple of weeks. It does sort of squash you into the establishment thing. In the end, my baser feelings got the better of me. I succumbed to pride.”

Dame Diva

Birthday Suit

After receiving one of her nation’s highest honors from the Queen of England herself, Dame Helen Mirren then won another, much more unusual award—but one of the ones she feels most proud of.

In 2004, British Naturism named her “Naturist of the Year”. That’s right—Dame Helen Mirren is a nudist!

"Many thanks to British Naturism for this great honor,” she said in an official statement. “I do believe in naturism and am my happiest on a nude beach with people of all ages and races!".

Only Helen Mirren could pull off receiving honors from both Buckingham Palace and a nudist organization—but her royal connections were about to be taken to the next level.

Birthday Suit

Royal Reception

Having already been made an OBE by Queen Elizabeth II, Dame Helen Mirren was pretty familiar with the queen and the royal family. But her next role would take her royal reputation to even higher levels—starring as the very same monarch who had bestowed her highest honor, Mirren appeared in 2007’s The Queen as Queen Elizabeth II.

For her incredible performance, Mirren finally won the Academy Award for Best Actress, as well as the Golden Globe.

But her royal related successes in the movie industry wouldn’t end there.

Royal Reception

Another Elizabeth

Hot on the heels of her mega success playing Queen Elizabeth II, Mirren then turned her attention to another famous Queen of England with the same name—the renowned Virgin Queen, aka Elizabeth I.

Mirren starred as the legendary monarch in the HBO movie Elizabeth I, for which she received great critical acclaim—as well as winning both a Golden Globe Award and an Emmy Award. Not only beloved by the Queen, but clearly, Helen Mirren is the absolute queen of playing queens!

But this Hollywood royalty’s next move would surprise everyone.

Another Elizabeth

Fast and Furious

Even though Helen Mirren had gained a name for herself as a respected serious actress, that didn't mean she wasn't up for taking roles completely outside of her comfort zone.

That’s why, in 2017, she decided to take a completely different career move, and join the mega-successful action-packed car movie franchise Fast & Furious.

And she went about securing this role in a typically Mirren fashion: "I was at an Oscar party a few years back,” remembers star and producer Vin Diesel. “And she came up to me and said, 'I want to be in your next Fast and the Furious movie. I've been telling everybody in town that I want to work with you.'"

Fast and Furious

Making Space

Even though there was no specific part in the movie for Mirren to play, Diesel knew that he had to jump at the chance at having such a beloved and legendary actress join his franchise.

"There was no role written for her, but it didn't matter,” Diesel said to Glamor magazine. “We just fell in love with each other so quickly that I called the writer and the director to my house."

Sure enough, together the three of them sat down and created a brand-new role especially for Mirren—she starred as Magdalene Shaw, the formidable matriarch of the Shaw family and mother of Deckard, Hattie, and Owen Shaw.

Making Space

Best Buds

Vin Diesel and Helen Mirren don't exactly sound like a match made in heaven, with one being a classically trained Shakespearean actress and the other being a shaven-headed beefcake. But in fact, once they started working together, they formed an unlikely and beautiful friendship.

"She is one of the few people in my life that I take every opportunity to celebrate, acknowledge, and scream to the world how much I love her," Diesel gushed of her. "When I'm in her presence, I can't help but see the magic and innocence of a child. It's such an important thing for an artist to maintain, and so few can. It's one of the most beautiful things about her."

Best Buds

Girl Online

And it’s not just mutual love and appreciation that Diesel and Mirren found together in their new and unlikely friendship. The action man also helped launched the now 70-something aged star to take the plunge into social media.

Diesel is the man responsible for setting Helen Mirren up on Instagram, where she now cuts a pretty impressive social media presence.

Though she originally wasn't a huge fan of the platform, in hindsight Mirren now sees how it can help emphasize the values she has held dear throughout the course of her entire acting career.

Girl Online

Mirren Too

Though Mirren’s infamous interview with Michael Parkinson was all the way back in the 1970s, she found the video making headlines once again when it came back to the spotlight in the wake of the “MeToo” movement. The power of this movement and the use of social media to amplify it was, to Mirren, the culmination of many long years of struggling for women to be treated fairly in the industry.

"I've always had a very heightened sense of fairness. And as I grew to adulthood, I realized how appallingly unfair the world was for women," she says. "It's really great that young women today can look at that interview and be shocked by it."

Mirren Too

Woman Power

Throughout her career, Mirren has had to deal with people dismissing her talent and respectability because she is deemed as too sexy—but she has remained resolute in owning both aspects of her powerful presence.

"I want roles that reflect women well as a sex, that don't demean or undercut them, or make them feel shitty when they watch it," she said. "In essence, I'm still hoping to reflect women onscreen and in the theater the way I hoped to do in that interview with Michael Parkinson all those years ago."

Woman Power

No Regrets

From her bold rebuttal of Parkinson in his shocking interview, to her saucy scenes in the now-infamous Caligula, or switching from Shakespearean stage acting to jumping on the Fast & Furious bandwagon, Helen Mirren has never shied away from following her instinct and taking roles outside of her comfort zone.

"I made some bold and quite brave moves at various times in my life,” she admitted. “Maybe slightly professionally suicidal moves. But I don't regret any of it. I always try to make the tapestry of my work as broad as possible. To me, the most successful way to conduct my professional life is to constantly search out new and different things to do."

No Regrets

An Icon of Our Times

There is no denying that Helen Mirren is a true icon of our times. In a career spanning a whopping seven decades, she has moved, delighted, shocked, and amused us throughout both her acting roles and her choices in her personal life.

Having won the triple crown of acting—an Oscar, Emmy, and Tony Award—and fans across the world of all ages, not to mention a damehood, Mirren is undoubtedly one of the most accomplished and recognized actresses of all time.

But despite all this, she retains her characteristic good humor and realism—just how does she manage to stay so grounded despite her star status?

An Icon of Our Times

Keeping it Real

For Mirren, remaining humble and down-to-earth is as natural to her as living and breathing. As well as constantly following her own desires and making no apologies for her presence as a woman, Mirren revealed that she also doesn't dwell too heavily on her own ego.

"Patting yourself on the back is not very productive," she said to Glamour. "I'm proud of certain projects—they're all my babies in one way or another—but I don't dwell on my past achievements. I dwell on future achievements."

Well we for one can’t wait to see what those future achievements will be. Whatever Helen Mirren does next, we know she will continue to be an inspiration to us all.

Keeping it Real

How Denise Richards Deals with the Drama and Challenges of Her Super Stardom

In more recent years, she’s become popular from her drama-filled and entertaining role on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but the delightful Denise Richards has been in the Hollywood business since the ‘90s and is still going strong.

Time and time again, Richards has learned that with great wealth, comes great drama. But if there’s anything that the Hollywood superstar has taught us time and time again, it’s that with the right attitude, anything is possible.

While the remarkable Richards is still as stunning and admired as she was when she first started out her acting career, she’s proven that she’s so much more than just a pretty face.

Let’s dive in and explore her adventures from overcoming the challenges of stardom to being an inspiringly devoted mother and philanthropist.

Just a Small-Town Girl

It might be hard to imagine that the big Hollywood superstar, who’s been living the lavish life in Beverly Hills, California is from anywhere but the west coast, but surprisingly enough, Denise Richards lived most of her adolescent life in a small Midwestern town.

Richards was born in 1971 and grew up in Downers Grove, Illinois, but also spent some of her youth in the small-town of Mokena, Illinois.

With that said, everything was about to change for the young teenager, as her Midwestern family was getting ready to move.

Just a Small-Town Girl

A Cross-Country Change

Luckily for Denise, her father decided that enough was enough when it came to those harsh Midwestern winters. And by the time Denise was 15 years old, the family was set on moving somewhere with more pleasant climate year-round.

In 1986, the family packed up their belongings and moved over to the West coast to settle down in Oceanside, California. This wasn’t just a big move for the family, though. This cross-country move was a chance for Denise to do something she never had the opportunity to do before.

A Cross-Country Change

It Feels Like Fate

We can’t imagine it was easy for Richards to transfer schools and up-root her whole life during one of the most transitioning years of her life, but it feels like it was fate for her to move over to California during her teen years because soon enough, the remarkable Richards had caught the attention of modeling agents, and was quickly hired on to work in the professional modeling world. How exciting!

In no time, her glorious career in modeling was truly taking off, and it was clear as day that Richards had a knack for it. However, as much as she enjoyed traveling the world and climbing to the top of the model chain, deep down she felt like she was meant for so much more.

It Feels Like Fate

Richard’s Real Dream & Promise

Richards felt like she was meant for more than just walking the runway and print ads—she

really wanted to be an actress, as well, and was determined to make her dreams come true.

“My dad looked up the statistics of actors in [the Screen Actors Guild] and saw how many don’t work … So, I told him, ‘I promise I’m going to be one of the ones who work,’” Richards shared in interview with Washington Post.

And within just a couple of years, the ambitious 19-year-old Denise had excitedly landed her very first acting role in an episode of the TV series Life Goes On!

Richard’s Real Dream & Promise

Roles in Big TV Shows

When the ‘90s rolled around, Richards focused on making it big in Hollywood, and nothing was going to stop her. Her Hollywood career ignited with several guest-starring roles in all sorts of famous shows like Beverly Hill, 90201Doogie Howser, M.D.Married with Children, and Seinfeld.

Even if she only appeared in only one episode in each of these famous shows, that’s still pretty impressive for her first couple of years!

And pretty soon, she was about to catch her big break on the big screen.

Roles in Big TV Shows

Trooping to Stardom

After a few years of working hard and focusing on getting bigger roles in movies, the talented and eager actress finally got her big break starring in multiple films. Her first breakthrough star role in a major film was in the 1997 sci-fi action-adventure comedy, Starship Troopers.

Just a year later, in 1998, she got the saucy lead role alongside Kevin Bacon, Neve Campbell, and Matt Dillon in the crime-drama film Wild Things.

And a year after that, she got another major role in the cult comedy Drop Dead Gorgeous, starring Kirsten Dunst, Amy Adams, and Ellen Barkin. How exciting!

Trooping to Stardom

More Than a Pretty Face

Starting out as a model, there’s no doubt that she was glorified for her stunning and sensational looks. However, it was clear that the dynamic Denise was more than just a pretty face and was meant for the movies. And she proved it quickly, by playing diverse roles in all different kinds of genres.

Still though, since her major roles were typically of the beautiful, ditsy blond, she had to fight that stereotype and constantly in need to prove she's more than that in real life. But she never let that stop her.

More Than a Pretty Face

Pep to Her Step

Especially since Denise was such a fierce femme, she made sure that off-screen, people were aware that she had more to her than just her looks. She learned to spin it all with her endearing and charming attitude, and always kept a positive attitude about everything.

No matter how much pep you have to your step, though, it doesn’t always mean that dealing with harsh critique is easy. In fact, there was one particular role in the late ‘90s that she really struggled with after its release.

Pep to Her Step

Bad Feedback as a Bond Girl

Richards’ next role was an honorable one. She was featured in 1999’s The World is Not Enough as a Bond Girl. And while this is one of her most popular roles throughout her career, upon its release, the feedback from the media and public wasn’t exactly the most positive.

Interestingly enough though, the feedback wasn’t really about her acting skills, but more about the character itself, and the saucy styled attire.

“I was so crushed … But I was thinking I’m a Bond girl playing a scientist. Would they want me wearing a lab coat and dressed conservatively? It’s tongue in cheek,” Richards confessed to Washington Post.

Bad Feedback as a Bond Girl

The Harsh Reality of Hollywood Reviews

There’s always a difference between constructive criticism and negative feedback—and as an artist, no matter what medium you specialize in, it’s crucial to learn how to deal with any type of criticism.

So how exactly has Denise Richards coped with these tough reviews from the public over the years? “I try to block out a lot of stuff, but I’m also human. I’ve had to develop a very, very thick skin over the years,” she revealed.

But alas, coping with the harsh reality of Hollywood reviews is just part of the hardships the savvy superstar has dealt with over the years.

The Harsh Reality of Hollywood Reviews

When the Movies Cross Over to Reality

In 2001, Denise Richards landed another lead role in the rom-com Good Advice, starring alongside Charlie Sheen and Angie Harmon.

It was on that set that Richards and Sheen first met, portraying romantic partners in the movie. But little did they know that this was just the beginning of their story together.

After shooting the movie, Richards made an appearance in Spin City, starring Michael J. Fox and Charlie Sheen. And as fate would have it, she landed a temporary role appearing in four episodes as one of Sheen’s former love interests. That’s when sparks started flying between the two.

When the Movies Cross Over to Reality

Working as a Family

After the Richards and Sheen played each other’s love interests a couple of times on-screen, the two hardworking Hollywood bees ended up falling in love off-screen.

By 2002, the two tied the knot, and two years after that, they welcomed their first daughter together into the world, Sam Sheen.

The new formed, loving family of three even appeared together on TV in Two and a Half Men.

But unfortunately, behind the scenes, things weren’t always so smooth-sailing between Richards and Sheen.

Working as a Family

Good News and Bad News

Although on the surface it might’ve seemed like everything was okay, every family has its own struggles and hardships that they keep behind closed doors. And for celebrity couples, keeping things behind closed doors in general is a-whole-nother stressful challenge, all on its own.

By 2005, the couple had both good news and bad news to share with the world. Firstly, they were expecting their second daughter. Which normally would be extremely exciting, however, the bad news was that they were having some marital troubles and were looking into separating altogether.

Good News and Bad News

Trying to Get Out of the Rough Patch

Even though Sheen was sober while he and Richards wed in 2002, it seemed like he stumbled back down his own dangerous rabbit hole, which heavily affected his behavior towards his family.

The couple released an official statement to People in March 2005, stating: “We are deeply saddened by the recent events and out of our love and concern for our daughter Sam, our unborn child and each other, we ask that you respect our privacy during this difficult time.”

The once young-and-in-love couple tried to work things out over the next year, but alas, it didn’t seem like their issues could be resolved, and they needed to do what would be best for their children.

Trying to Get Out of the Rough Patch

“It Takes Two People”

“I've always wanted to keep things good and peaceful from day one, but it takes two people,” Richards shared during her radio interview with Sway’s Universe in 2019.

There’s no doubt that Charlie Sheen is a talented man, but he’s also known for being quite the trouble-maker. No matter how difficult it got, Denise always tried to keep things as amicable as she could before, during, and after her split with Sheen—not just for herself, but for the sake of their beautiful daughters.

It was a long and bumpy road filled with tabloid rumors and court orders, but eventually, Denise’s down-to-earth and regal demeanor pushed through the dark times.

“It Takes Two People”

Keeping the Kids Out of It

When asked about what co-parenting has been like all these years, Richards openly shared and said that, “I've always maintained wanting to keep the peace because our daughters didn't deserve … anything negative. And I don't think kids should be privy to anything going on with parents that are going through a divorce, in my opinion. I think you got to keep things so they don't ever feel like they're in the middle of anything, or feel insecure. So, I always wanted them to know that I love their dad, and you know, always here for them, and supportive of their relationship with him.”

Keeping the Kids Out of It

Looking Beyond the Western World

Needless to say, the second half of the 2000s were quite difficult years for Richards. Not only did she have to cope with the hardships of her marital break-up, but she also lost her mother in 2007.

However, it was after this heart-breaking loss that she decided to do things a little bit differently. Richards took an interest in alternative medicine and health treatments for herself, and started to discover the world of healing outside of the western medicine world. Little did she know that this path would lead her to something incredible about a decade later.

Looking Beyond the Western World

The Rumors of 2012

In 2012, there were rumors flying around that the saucy Charlie Sheen and ravishing Denise Richards were back together. Why? Because they took a trip to Mexico as a family.

However, those rumors were quickly put to rest as Richards shared with Huffington Post, "We've actually become like brother and sister, we really have. Nothing more than that…We've become very, very good friends."

Richards might be known for her saucy characters in her films, but her role as a caring and strong mother keeps on inspiring the world.

The Rumors of 2012

20 Accepting Sheen for Who He Is

The daring Denise Richards has proven that she’s got a lot of talent when it comes to modeling and parenting. However, time and time again, she’s also shown us just how incredible of a mother and co-parent she is by being the bigger person.

Richards further explained to Huffington Post, “The stuff between the couple, if you're divorced, it's no longer about you anymore. You have to be a bigger person and make it about the kids, so that's what we are doing. [Charlie Sheen] is who is he, I can't change him, so I've accepted him for who he is.”

Time and time again, Richards has shown us how to be the inspiring bigger person. And she’s not the only one who’s been amicable with Sheen, though.

20 Accepting Sheen for Who He Is

Meeting in Malibu

In 2016, a decade after Richards separation and the start of her health journey, her life was about to change in ways she never would’ve imagined.

Upon a visit at Quantum 360, a state-of-the-art holistic healing center in Malibu, Richards met the founder of the center, Aaron Cameron a.k.a. Aaron Phypers. Their chemistry was magnetic on levels neither of them could’ve imagined, and they instantly fell for each other.

After one magical year of dating, the two lovebirds decided it was time to take things to the next level.

Meeting in Malibu

A True Gentleman

The two supposedly got engaged in January 2018, however they did their best to keep everything on the down-low and away from the media.

With that said, though, both Denise and Aaron felt the need to tell one specific person about this significant news.

“Aaron called Charlie when we were getting married … He wanted him to hear it from him, and you know, out of respect for him, and our daughters, knowing that he was gonna be the stepfather. And they had a really great conversation, and it was good,” Richards revealed during her interview with Sway’s Universe.

A True Gentleman

A Taste of Reality TV

It's one thing to have to deal with all of the media and tabloids talking about your career and performance. But once you have the whole world taking a look at your behind-the-scenes life, it’s a completely different ball game.

In 2019, the remarkable Richards joined the 9th season of one of America’s favorite drama-filled reality TV shows, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and provided a teste of what her life is really like. Little did she know just how real the TV show actually is.

A Taste of Reality TV

The Drama is Real

You’ve probably all asked yourselves, how real is what we see on these reality TV shows that we can’t get enough of?

Richards light-heartedly confessed during a radio interview with Sway’s Universe in 2019 that she “thought it was gonna be softly scripted to be honest with you, because I thought, ‘There's no way they fight all the time like this in real life.’ But they do, and so it's not scripted at all.”

And while she always stayed authentic and true to herself while she was on camera, it was still hard for her to get used to all of the drama.

The Drama is Real

The Biggest Thing to Get Used to

Even though she guest-starred in Season 5, it’s safe to say that Denise Richards wasn’t truly sure what she was signing up for when she joined in on The Real Housewives fun and drama on season 9. But what was one of the biggest things she needed to get used to?

Richards humorously revealed to Sway’s Universe, “the weird thing for me to get used to was us going to restaurants. It was unscripted, you know there's extras and people involved in the project whatever. But this, there's real people there, watching us, and videotaping, and, you know, and it's a hard thing to get used to—to block it out and think, ‘Okay now everyone's fighting, and other people are having dinner, while everyone’s arguing at the table.’”

The Biggest Thing to Get Used to

Are the Ladies Friends in Between Seasons?

We’ve covered if things are scripted or not, but how real are the actual relationships on the show?

Mike Muse of Sway’s Universe asked Denise if the ladies ever hang out in between seasons, or if they’re even allowed to.

Denise revealed, “they don't want us to, but if we want to we can, you know? But they would prefer to wait until, you know, to put it on film … I've really become friends with them, too, [we] hang out and stay in touch, even though we're not filming.”

How interesting!

Are the Ladies Friends in Between Seasons?

Grilling at the BBQ

Unfortunately, Richards' partner, Aaron hasn’t always had the best interactions with people involved in his wife’s life.

For anyone who follows RHOBH, then you know about the iconic and dramatic BBQ show-down between Aaron and some of the other cast members. For those of you who don’t follow though, basically Aaron got upset that some of the cast members bring up inappropriate subjects while their children are around, and confronted them about it at the BBQ.

But this is Real Housewives after all, so any form of confrontation is certain to get heated and escalate. Right?

Grilling at the BBQ

The Heat of the Moment

It’s safe to say that the whole throw-down left a bad taste in many of the cast-members mouths, including Denise and Aaron. However, it was what happened after the argument that made headlines.

After the discussion turned into a heated argument, Denise and Aaron decided to leave the party early. While they were walking out, Denise repeatedly asked Aaron to stop talking for now. "Don't say a word. We're on camera," she claimed on the show.

However, in the heat of the moment, Aaron supposedly responded back to her by telling her to stop telling him what to do or he would "crush” her arm.

So what did Denise have to say about this whole incident?

The Heat of the Moment

“We Bring Out the Best in Each Other”

Richards has reassured that the relationship between her and Aaron is nothing but great, and that he would never actually do anything to hurt her. In fact, she jokingly mentioned to People that he’s “afraid of her”.

Richards also emotionally expressed to The Washington Post, “He’s my best friend. He’s my lover. He’s my confidant … I feel that we bring out the best in each other. We are definitely both very strong personalities, so, obviously we’ll have moments, but we respect each other’s opinions.” How sweet!

“We Bring Out the Best in Each Other”

Do the Kids Want to be on the Show?

The whole reason for why things got heated during the BBQ episode, was because of the debate on what’s okay and not okay to bring up when their children are around while filming. And the interviewers at Sway’s Universe were curious about how much say the children have in being on the show or not at all.

“I've told [my kids], ‘If they want to be on, they can. If they don't, there's no pressure.’ So, the times that they want to film, they're there, if not, I get it … But they like that their friends and their friend’s parents also watch the show,” Denise openly shared.

Do the Kids Want to be on the Show?

“I Wouldn't Want My Parents to Stop Me”

The delightful Denise has been in multiple movies, all sorts of fascinating TV shows, and recently on reality TV.

So as a high-profile celebrity, she knows all the up and downs, rough tumbles and falls that the business comes with. But what does she think about having her own children following in her same path if they wanted to be actors as well?

“I definitely wouldn't want to stop them, because I wouldn't want my parents to stop me … I want them to follow their passion and dreams,” she whole-heartedly revealed on Sway’s Universe.

“I Wouldn't Want My Parents to Stop Me”

“I Just Roll with the Punches”

Richards stuck around for a second season of RHOBH, as she seemed to have quickly found her place with all of the drama—but that doesn’t mean that she actually enjoyed it all.

But even if there were some salty times during her two seasons so far, did she regret anything?

“I actually had so much fun my first season, and I formed genuine friendships. This season was very different, but I would never say I regret anything … I just roll with the punches,” she confessed to The Washington Post in 2020. What an inspiring way to go about it all!

“I Just Roll with the Punches”

Back and Forth Talk About Returning

During her first season, Richards felt like she was still getting to know everyone and how the show works. However, after being the center of a lot of the drama in the 10th season, there’s been a lot of back and forth thoughts on whether the 49-year-old Richards wanted to continue on for a third season with the show or not.

So, are the rumors true? Is she actually leaving? In a September 2020 interview, Richards revealed her true thoughts about returning for a third season.

Back and Forth Talk About Returning

“I Will Continue to Support the Show”

In September, 2020, Richards announced she will not be returning for a 3rd season of RHOBH due to the season 10 drama involving Brandi Glanville.

“I had a great first season. The second season was challenging … I just thought it was the right time for me to go and to just keep focusing on the other projects that I have. I had a great time. I will always be a fan and I will continue to support the show,” Richards confessed to the The Real.

However, she’s also stated to other sources that even if she’s focusing on other ventures, she’s not ruling out reality TV forever.

“I Will Continue to Support the Show”

A Passion for Acting

Speaking of chasing a career in Hollywood, what does Denise have planned for the future?

She revealed that she’s, “a family girl. I love being with my family.” She also mentioned that she does dabble in the kitchen and can cook, but when it comes to her desires for work, she’s very passionate about acting.

In fact, on her IMDB page, there are multiple projects that she’s got lined up to come out soon, including lead roles on the TV series The Bold and the Beautiful and Paper Empire.

A Passion for Acting

Denise’s Favorite Film

The highly-admired and talented TV and movie star loves acting so much, however, one of the favorite gigs she landed was one of her earliest films.

Starship Troopers, I had the one of the best times doing that movie … We filmed for six months, we were all at the same level in our career, no one knew who we were, and we were just so excited to be there, and we became really good friends with each other. So, that's the stuff that I really remember doing more than the movies,” she excitedly expressed to Sway’s Universe.

Denise’s Favorite Film

High School Cheerleader

In 2019, Richards starred in a TV film, The Secret Life of Cheerleaders, in which she plays a mother who encourages her daughter to join the cheerleading squad in her school.

During her high school years, Richards also dabbled as a cheerleader, but her experience wasn’t always great. While discussing the film she shared, “I was a cheerleader in high school, and there were always catty girls around, it's nothing new.”

“'There was pressure to look a certain way and have a certain body. Everyone felt it,” she added.

High School Cheerleader

Beyond Work and Family

As we’ve mentioned earlier, Richards has revealed that she’s taking a step back from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills so that she can focus on her other projects.

Clearly, she’s got her hands full with her Hollywood work, but that’s just part of what she’s been up to.

Not only is Denise a jaw-dropping model, incredible actress, and above all else, a devoted mother, but she’s also quite the philanthropist.

In fact, she’s specifically volunteered and donated to all sorts of causes related to helping both children in need, as well as, animals in need. How heart-warming!

Beyond Work and Family

Eloise Joni Richards

In 2011, Denise adopted a precious baby girl, Eloise Joni Richards. Unfortunately, when Eloise was 5 years old, she was diagnosed with a neurological condition, and isn’t able to use her verbal skills.

But this little challenge isn’t going to stop Denise and Aaron from trying to give Eloise the best list that they can.

Not only have they been learning and teaching her sign language, they’re also trying to get a guide dog to help her around. How precious!

Eloise Joni Richards

Making the World a Better Place

Both Denise and Aaron are dedicated to making the world a better place, and they’re actually super involved in helping out with a very similar cause.

It’s clear that the two of them both love kids and animals, which is why not only are the two of them

in the process of creating the Quantum Reach Foundation for animals and children, but they are actually planning on opening up their own animal sanctuary together. How sweet!

But you’ll never believe where the big-time Beverly Hills couple are actually planning on opening the sanctuary.

Making the World a Better Place

The Treasure State

The two of them might be living the big-city life in California, and Aaron himself might’ve been born in L.A., but Richards’ was born and raised in a small-town over in Illinois.

So, while it might come as a bit of a surprise, it seems like the happy couple have decided to take some time away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, and have started searching for properties over in the mountainous “Treasure State” of Montana for their animal sanctuary. Who would’ve thought that the Beverly Hills couple would consider moving over to the Big Sky Country?

If there’s anything Denise Richards has taught us though, it’s that with the right attitude, anything is possible!

The Treasure State
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